Signs and Symptoms

Oblong rash associated with Lyme.

A "sign" in medicine is something that can be confirmed by an outside observer. These would include such manifestations of Lyme disease as a swollen joint, a facial palsy, a Lyme rash. A "symptom" refers to a manifestation that can't be confirmed by an outside observer; the physician has to rely on the patient's report of the experience — such as pain or fatigue or brain fog. Some doctors make the error of only relying on "signs" and not taking into account the range of "symptoms" that together form a pattern that is typical for Lyme disease. Doctors who rely only on signs to make the diagnosis of Lyme disease will miss a substantial number of cases. For example, studies have shown that about 20% of patients with new onset Lyme disease only present with fatigue, muscle and joint pain, headache and malaise.


Lyme rash on back

Photo taken by Carol Sotsky, MD

Lyme rashes satellite like

Photo taken by John Aucott, MD






Presentations of Lyme Disease

Lyme disease is known to have both typical and atypical presentations. Below we present the primary clinical manifestations of Lyme disease. This is not a complete list. Clinicians need to be aware of the typical as well as of the atypical presentations of Lyme disease.